VTDigger partially quoted me as having said that “the word fair has no place in a meaningful conversation about hunting or conservation.” What they didn’t do was give that quote any of its context, as ...
At a legislative breakfast at the Bethel Library Monday morning, residents heard from Rep. Kirk White (D, Windsor-Addison) and also aired their concerns over the recent school funding proposal from ...
The Chandler Center for the Arts on Main Street in Randolph will welcome Ethan Setiawan & Fine Ground on Friday, March 14 for a free musician’s workshop from 5-6 p.m., followed by an intimate ...
Soul food has several connotations: heritage, history, comfort, togetherness, nourishment that is shared, and support. Last Sunday, Randolph Union High School played host to the Empty Bowl celebration ...
French and art students from Randolph Union High School traveled to Montreal for a visit to Oasis, a permanent immersive display. There the students experienced a “sensory journey through the most ...
Randolph—Betty Jean White, 94, died on February 21, 2025 at home, surrounded E by her family. Betty was born on April 3, 1930, in Bridgeport, Conn., the daughter of Ernest and Maude (Clark) Francis.
Sharon voters approved a $7.1 million school bond for major renovations and additions to their elementary school, along with both school and town budgets during annual meetings this week. The bond ...
Debate over the future of policing in Randolph took center stage at the town’s annual meeting on Saturday, March 1, held at Chandler Music Hall. Ballots, voted by residents of the police district on ...
Less than 24 hours after suffering a loss in the Yankee Conference Championship game, the Knights waited to hear if their name would be called for a chance to go compete for a national championship in ...
Once again, Vermont has made it through Town Meeting Day and, though it’s a test of endurance for those who participate, it’s to our great benefit. In Granville, Kate Stauss used her time during the “ ...
Rochester voters held their town meeting for 2025 on Monday evening, March 3 at the school auditorium. Longtime moderator Dan McKinley welcomed everyone, sharing an invocation from the town of ...
On October 29, 1943, my father, Etienne Aberth, an immigrant from Strasbourg, France, signed up with the U.S. Navy, little more than two weeks after his seventeenth birthday. He was assigned to the ...