Lawyer Fredrik Sundin, involved in the Northvolt Ett and Revolt bankruptcies with trustee Mikael Kubu, confirms that several ...
Economist Claes Hemberg doesn't see Northvolt's bankruptcy as the end for the Skellefteå battery factory. Instead, he ...
The approximately 5,000 Northvolt employees are now facing redundancy.– It is an incredibly tough message to receive. These ...
För fjärde året i rad ökar Norrans upplaga. Det visar TS-siffrorna som nyligen publicerades. Under 2024 ökade upplagan med ...
The first English-language Skellefteå Morgon Mötet, organised by Skellefteå municipality's business office, ...
Northvolt, which filed for bankruptcy last week, faces a critical decision.The bankruptcy trustee expects to determine in the ...
IF Metall's chair, Marie Nilsson, was in Skellefteå on Monday.The trade union leader visited Northvolt and met with Skellefteå's mayor and deputy ...
Amidst Northvolt's financial challenges, understanding your rights is crucial. Sweden's salary guarantee scheme (lönegarantin ...
Talet om militärt samarbete inom EU bekymrar skribenten som tycker att det stämmer dåligt med tanken på unionen som en ...
Rysslands krig i Ukraina har ökat diskussionerna om upprustning. Men skribenten anser att politiken är felriktad.– Prioritera ...
Minister of energy and industry, Ebba Busch (KD) is urging in Brussels that new owners of the bankrupt Northvolt be eligible ...