Much like similar derogatory titles “siren” and “fury”, the term “harpy” is derived from a group of monstrous female figures ...
On Thursday 27 March, the European Space Agency (ESA) sent its last messages to the Gaia Spacecraft. They told Gaia to shut ...
The phone ban was meant to improve learning by reducing distractions. But students report feeling left out of decisions, and ...
Gout Gout is challenging some conventional sprinting paradigms – namely that raw power and muscle mass are the primary determinants of speed.
In a new survey, one principal reported how a major source of distress is parents behaving in an ‘unreasonable manner’.
Open science’ is a radical shift from traditional research practices. But it can help research integrity in several ways.
The Liberal leader goes into this election presenting a particularly bleak worldview. Whether voters are in step with that ...
a enseigné jusqu'en 2024 la didactique du français à l'université de Liège, où, bien que retraité, il continue de dispenser ...
Les végétaux regorgent de ressources pour repousser les attaques de ravageurs et de maladies. En faire des alliés permet de ...
La récente affaire du « Livre pour les vacances », décommandé par le ministère de l’éducation nationale, invite à revenir sur ...