Update for Bradbourne & Parwich Heating Oil Club Oil prices have remained fairly static over the last few weeks with a minor ...
Hello, I am very excited to be moving to the village next week. I am hoping someone might be able to help me. I have 2 mini Shetland ponies who may need a home; is there anyone who might be able ...
Please can we remind people to look after and respect the equipment on the hard play area. The school had a multi school netball tournament on Tuesday and every single netball/basketball net had ...
A dog has gone missing in the village, a brown cockerpoo named Lily and she’s not got a collar. She is microchipped. If you ...
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need a driver or taxi to take a relative back to Manchester Airport on Sunday afternoon at about four o’clock. Does anyone know of a cab company or individual ...
Kath and Owen’s farm dog went missing around 10 am this morning. He’s a red and white collie, he’s old and completely deaf, he’s very friendly and likely to be a bit ...
Does anyone have any spare common garden mint roots? If so, please let Emma and Rob know on 390203 / 07812 996851 and we can collect. Alternatively, you are very welcome to drop them round to Pond ...
UPDATE: Lily has been found in Tissington and is now safely back home 😁. A dog has gone missing in the village, a brown cockerpoo named Lily and she’s not got a collar. She is microchipped. If you ...
We would just like to sincerely thank everybody who supported our fund raiser on Saturday March 8th, whether that was by ...
The next meeting of Parwich Parish Council will be held on Wednesday the 19th March 2025 at 7:30 pm in the Memorial Hall. The agenda is here.
Anyone want a BT handset. Free to collect from Barn Cottage ...