The musical adaptation, based on Rick Riordan’s beloved series, follows Percy Jackson (Grayson Gammill), a teenage demigod ...
Lincoln Center Theater is preparing for the Broadway premiere of Floyd Collins- the first major revival since the show's off ...
First show by community performance and training company co founded by Newbury musical director Trevor Defferd.
What a happy romp in Sherwood Forest we had watching Winters Theatre Company’s production of “Robin Hood The Musical.” This was written by their own local talent, Germaine Hupe, Sarah Pattison, and ...
Jay Laga'aia is proud of his children, five of whom have followed him into show business. It's something he initially didn't ...
Elf the Musical is coming to the Lerner Theatre on December 13th-15th.The show is based on the hilarious Chistmas movie ...
Created in collaboration with Diamond, “A Beautiful Noise” is the uplifting true story of how a child from Brooklyn became a ...
The "loathing" dance is viral! "Wicked" choreographer Christopher Scott reacts to "What Is This Feeling?" taking over TikTok ...
When The Devil Wears Prada came out in 2006, the movie shone a light on the cut-throat world of fashion and over the years ...
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway — and its stars shine even brighter. Marshalltown native Nicholas Cooper made ...
Celebrating the music of Patsy Cline and a 'Wicked' start to the holiday movie season ...
Sometimes a stroll through a decorated light garden, with live music gently breezing along as you stroll, is the perfect ...