Season 3 was different because it brought a villain that I'd been waiting to see on the screen: Conquest. The Viltrumite warrior was one of the deadliest foes that Mark Grayson ever fought, and Season ...
Debbie Grayson didn't die in Invincible Season 3. On the othe hand, the comics from which the show has been adapted don't explicity mention the cause of her death, hinting that she likely passed away ...
In Das Kapital, Karl Marx outlined a historical progression of socioeconomic systems: tribal communism, slave societies, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, and ...
Even unpopular leaders like Emmanuel Macron are enjoying some relief from voters as they seek to ward off menaces from ...
God Is a Socialist
Is socialism a more divine path than capitalism? Discover how ancient wisdom and modern struggles intertwine in this ...
Invincible Season 4 is officially confirmed, focusing on the Viltrumite War and introducing Mark’s greatest opponent yet. Read on for more details!
THE THIRD CHAPTER of the thrilling TNT-Barangay Ginebra titular rivalry couldn’t have gotten a more epic conclusion.
The Pembrokeshire Historical Society is set to unravel the turbulent past of the Marcher Lordships in its next meeting.
New research reveals that not only elites were buried in Egyptian pyramids—laborers may have rested there too.
(a cemetery) in Cairo that has served as a burial site for nearly 1,400 years. A Brief History of Cairo's City of the ...