A team of nine scientists stationed in Antarctica will remain there despite an alleged attack and threats from a colleague, ...
The researchers and base personnel remain in Antarctica for approximately 15 months working through the cold and dark winter ...
One of them is a madman — accused of violently beating, threatening and sexually harassed at least two of his teammates.
A team of South African scientists expected to work together for months in a remote Antarctic research station was left ...
Liz Monahon was working as a ship mechanic at the US research station McMurdo some 1,500km from the South Pole in 2022 when ...
A member of a South African research team that is confined for more than a year at an isolated Antarctica base was put under psychological evaluation there after he allegedly assaulted and sexually ...
"He has written a formal apology to the victim and is willing to verbally apologize to all members at the base," authorities ...
The Antarctic is often romanticised, but when people realise what’s waiting for them… well, there’s not a lot of people who feel they’re up to it,” says South African geologist Dr Herman Van Niekerk.
Last week, the BAS released Bedmap3, "the most detailed map yet" of Antarctica's landscape beneath its blanket of ice, a ...
Antarctica’s total ice volume is now estimated at 27.17 million cubic kilometers (6.52 million cubic miles). The ice sheet ...