Während geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt nach wie vor eine der häufigsten Menschenrechtsverletzungen weltweit ist, warnt UNHCR, dass das Risiko für Frauen und Mädchen, die sich in Konfliktsituationen bef ...
Across the world, more than 60 million women and girls who are forcibly displaced or stateless face high risks of gender-based violence.  While gender-based violence remains one of the most pervasive ...
After enduring terrible abuses, survivors of gender-based violence and displacement in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province are coming together to rebuild their shattered lives.
Recent flooding in northern Nigeria did not spare those already displaced by the security crisis in Borno State. Two months after escaping rising waters, they are now facing food insecurity.
Un projet mené par des pêcheurs et des personnes déplacées dans le nord de la Colombie permet de redonner vie à un écosystème menacé et ainsi qu'aux membres d'une communauté affectée par le conflit.
CLIFDEW-GRID, a UNHCR data initiative, aims to help countries better predict and respond to climate disasters that could cause forced displacement.
UNHCR, FNs Flyktningorganisasjon, støttes av en gruppe mennesker som, gjennom deres innflytelse, engasjement og målrettet arbeid, hjelper oss med å beskytte millioner av mennesker som har blitt ...
Nadia (72) i Nastia (43), które przyjechaÅ‚y do Polski 17 marca, odbierajÄ… wsparcie finansowe od UNHCR we WrocÅ‚awiu. Nadia, która porusza siÄ™ na wózku ...
UNHCR's Toolkit for developing and implementing Standard Operating Procedures for BIP. The BIP SOPs Toolkit includes guidance, templates, workshop guide, and examples from the field.