The novel migraine-abortive agents lasmiditan, rimegepant, and ubrogepant effectively treated migraine pain in triptan-insufficient responders.
Naldemedine may be an effective concomitant treatment in patients with cancer who are insufficiently responsive to magnesium oxide therapy for OIC.
Neuropathic pain is common in spondyloarthritis, particularly among women and those with comorbid obesity or fibromyalgia.
Pain was frequently reported among patients with IIMs and was linked to worse clinical outcomes, increased health care utilization, and decreased heath satisfaction.
Cognitive behavioral therapy and physical and mental health rehabilitation can help improve symptoms of long COVID.
Current prenatal multivitamin and mineral labels are misleading and often exclude the presence of heavy metals.
For low-risk pregnancies, planned home births are as safe as planned birth center births, according to study findings.