The Israeli occupation army has intensified its assault on the Gaza Strip, marking the 427th day of its campaign, with ...
The Turkish Statistical Institute has highlighted a significant surge in environmental protection expenditures for 2023, ...
Israel has confiscated 24,000 dunams (approximately 5,930 acres) of Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank, a move aimed ...
In a press briefing, Harris emphasized the dire circumstances faced by residents of Gaza, who are grappling with severe ...
The Presidency's Head of Communications Fahrettin Altun shared insights from his latest engagement with press counsellors ...
Highlighting the Foundation’s mission, Erdoğan emphasized its role in promoting Türkiye’s rich educational heritage, ...
The Council emphasized the need for adherence to international law and UN Security Council resolutions to halt Israel's ...
Bitlis’te 23 aracın karıştığı zincirleme trafik kazasında en az 31 kişi yaralandı. Kentte etkili olan yoğun sis nedeniyle ...
Güney Kore Devlet Başkanı Yoon Suk-yeol, bu hafta başında sıkıyönetim ilan ederek kamuoyunda endişeye yol açtığı için özür ...
استقبل وفد من قيادة حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) برئاسة "محمد درويش" رئيس مجلس شورى الحركة ورئيس المجلس القيادي وزير ...
أكدت حركة حماس أن ما أعلنه وزير مالية الاحتلال الإرهابي سموتريتش، من خطط لإغلاق وحدة الإدارة المدنية في الضفة الغربية، هو ...
Dışişleri Bakanı Hakan Fidan ise görüşmede; ülkesinin Filistin meselesine yönelik tutumunu vurgulayarak, uluslararası toplumu ...