Iowa House Republicans approved a pair of bills that would reform the state’s recount and election administration laws on ...
Iowa Senate Republicans approved a bill on Tuesday that would require Medicaid recipients to work at least 20 hours a week to ...
Top Republican lawmakers emerged from a meeting at the Treasury Department Tuesday saying the House and Senate are moving ...
Opponents said the bill would benefit billionaires and strip power from smaller investors. Proponents say it will preserve ...
Creek and environmental cleanups reveal a growing plastic problem that advocates say lawmakers can no longer ignore.
Arizona lawmakers are considering two bills that will enhance fire departments’ ability to communicate with other agencies ...
“The Utah Education Association applauds Governor Spencer Cox’s decision to veto SB37. This bill would have redirected public education funds away from Utah’s public schools and weakened local control ...
Senate Bill 263 supporters want even fictional portrayals of children engaged in sexual acts outlawed. Opponents say that goes against Supreme Court.
The General Assembly passed 917 bills this year. Here's how the governor has acted on some of the most noteworthy ones.
With Democrats failing to put up much of a fight against the Trump administration, favorability ratings have plummeted to an all-time low.
A majority of the West Virginia Senate voted Monday for a bill that would rip out non-discrimination ordinances adopted by 20 ...
The Alabama Midwives Alliance has come out against substitutions made to a state Senate bill they argue would severely ...