Holland is released globally on Amazon Prime on Thursday, March 27. The 2004 version of The Stepford Wives is available on ...
What Movies Will It Remind You Of?: Holland is a bit like Fargo if you crossed it with the suburban sheen of Pleasantville ...
Nicole Kidman is a bored Midwestern mom who wonders if her eye doctor hubby is cheating in "Holland," an underwhelming ...
A bored Michigan woman (Nicole Kidman) begins to think her optometrist hubby (Matthew Macfadyen) might be living a double ...
The next time Fred goes for a three-day conference in Greenville, Nancy breaks into his hotel room and finds handcuffs, ...
Nicole Kidman’s unsettling new thriller is now available to watch on Amazon Prime Video, as the incredibly busy star’s latest ...
Set in a Michigan town designed to evoke the Netherlands, this thriller has red herring on the menu.
Nicole Kidman has a thoughtful gift reserved only for the "super special" people in her life. The Oscar winner is surrounded ...
Nicole Kidman’s latest thriller Holland has left audiences divided, with many calling it a missed opportunity.